Our Trade Program

Loyalty is a competitive edge.

Earn rewards for your vision and expertise.

Experience a showroom like no other

Your local representative can provide the following education and support to you and your client:

  • A personalized showroom appointment
  • Product related questions
  • Specifications
  • Product availability
  • Assistance with package selections
  • Training
  • Attending any Roth Living trade events
  • Finalizing orders
  • Ongoing support
  • Scheduled connections with our Executive Chef

At our showroom, we believe in warm welcomes for you and your client. You are invited to experience Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove in a showroom unlike any other. Meet our appliance experts, view an array of options, test drive appliances, be inspired by chef-led demonstrations, and make a dream kitchen come to life. Please visit our showroom pages for location information.

Claims and Rewards

Claims and Rewards

Roth Living supports the team with every referral that comes through our doors. Earn up to $500 through referrals and invoiced quotes.

Trade Resources

Trade Resources

Roth Living is here to help. Download valuable resources to help you and your client.

With our online tool, the possibilities are yours to define. Curate your ideal appliance suite while exploring a variety of models, finishes, and configurations to bring your vision to life.

Visit Inspiring Design

Trade Events and Classes

View our calendar to discover relevant events for you and your client.

One-on-One Training

One-on-One Training

Lunch & Learn

New Product Training

Sponsored Events

Sponsored Events

Meet Your Experts

Noelle Skurchak

Noelle Skurchak



Abi Black

Abi Black



Michael Coleman

Michael Coleman



Rosemary Merrill

Rosemary Merrill



Enroll today

Enroll in the Roth Living Trade Rewards Program to start earning.